Fill out Form S-1, Surety Company Annual Report with

Form S-1, Surety Company Annual Report, is a mandatory report for surety companies to disclose their bond experience. It is essential for compliance with the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act.
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Form S-1, Surety Company Annual Report free printable template

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How to Fill Out Form S-1 Online for Free in 2024

Are you looking to fill out a S-1 form online quickly and accurately? offers the #1 AI-powered PDF filling software of 2024, allowing you to complete your S-1 form in just 37 seconds or less.
Follow these steps to fill out your S-1 form online using
  1. 1 Visit site and select Form S-1.
  2. 2 Enter the file number and year ending.
  3. 3 Fill in the surety company's name and address.
  4. 4 Complete premium and loss data sections.
  5. 5 Sign and date the form electronically.
  6. 6 Check for accuracy and submit the form.

Our AI-powered system ensures each field is filled out correctly, reducing errors and saving you time.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Form Form S-1

The Surety Company Annual Report is a mandatory filing for surety companies under the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (LMRDA) and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). The report provides information on the bond experience of the surety company.

Part I of the report includes the file number, year end, name of the surety company, address of the principal office, and signatures of authorized officers.

Part II of the report includes direct premiums written, direct premiums earned, expenses incurred, and the percentages of direct premiums earned allocated to expenses and net losses.

Part III of the report includes direct losses paid, direct losses incurred, direct loss adjustment expenses incurred, direct salvage recovered, and net losses.

Failure to comply with the report may result in criminal prosecution, fines, or civil penalties as provided by 29 U.S.C. 439 or 440.

The Surety Company Annual Report is divided into four parts: identification, premium data, loss data, and signatures. Part IV includes an itemization of losses reported during the year and additional information.

For each loss reported in Part IV, the name and address of the insured sustaining the loss, bond class code, amount of bond coverage available, gross loss to the insured (if known), amount paid to the insured in the report year, and amount of salvage recovered in the report year are required.

The signatures of authorized officers in the report declare that all of the information submitted is true, correct, and complete.

Direct premiums written represent the total amount of premiums that have been billed to the insured during the reporting period. Direct premiums earned represent the amount of premiums that have been received and are available for expenses and losses.

The loss data in the report is used to calculate the percentages of direct premiums earned allocated to net losses and to assess the financial stability of the surety company.

The loss data in the report includes the following categories: direct losses paid, direct losses incurred, direct loss adjustment expenses incurred, direct salvage recovered, and net losses.

The purpose of the itemization of losses reported during the year in Part IV is to provide additional details about each loss reported in the report. This includes information such as the nature of the loss, the location, and the cause.

The report information for each loss for which a notice was received during the report year in Part V includes the date notice of loss was received. This information is necessary to ensure that all losses are properly reported and accounted for in the annual report.

You can download a printable version of Form S-1 here.

Compliance Form S-1
Validation Checks by

Filing Entity Verification
Ensures that the Surety Company Annual Report is filed by an authorized surety company. The software checks that the company has an active bond insuring welfare or pension plans covered by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) or labor organizations/trusts covered by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA). It validates the company's eligibility to file the report based on these criteria.
Financial Information Accuracy
Confirms that the Surety Company Annual Report includes comprehensive financial information regarding the company's bond experience under LMRDA and ERISA. The software meticulously reviews the data for accuracy, ensuring that details such as premiums received, claims paid, subrogation amounts, and administrative and legal expenses are correctly reported and formatted according to the form's requirements.
Officer Signature Verification
Verifies that Form S-1 is duly signed by the president and treasurer or corresponding principal officers of the surety company. The software cross-references the signatures with the company's records to confirm the identity and authority of the signatories, ensuring that the form is legally binding and properly authorized.
Filing Deadline Adherence
Checks that the Surety Company Annual Report is filed within the stipulated timeframe of 150 days after the end of the surety company's fiscal year. The software monitors the submission date and alerts if the filing is approaching the deadline or is overdue, to prevent any non-compliance issues.
Correct Mailing Address Confirmation
Confirms that the Surety Company Annual Report is mailed to the correct address at the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Labor-Management Standards. The software ensures that the form is directed to the appropriate department and address, reducing the risk of misdelivery or processing delays.
Completeness and Ink Color
Ensures that the Surety Company Annual Report is fully completed with all required fields accurately filled out. It verifies that black ink is used throughout the form to maintain consistency and readability. The check also confirms that all monetary amounts are reported in dollars, with cents being rounded to the nearest dollar to simplify the financial reporting process. This validation is crucial for maintaining a standard format and ensuring clear communication of financial information.
Additional Pages Labeling
Verifies that if additional pages are attached to the Surety Company Annual Report for extended reporting, each page includes specific identification details. It ensures that the item number, surety company name, file number, and reporting period ending date are present on every additional page. This validation check is essential for keeping the report organized and ensuring that all additional information is properly associated with the main report.
Part I Information
Checks that Part I of the Surety Company Annual Report contains all the necessary identification information for the surety company. It confirms that the surety company's file number, fiscal year ending date, full legal name, and principal office address are accurately provided. This section is critical for the identification of the reporting entity and must be validated for accuracy to ensure proper record-keeping and regulatory compliance.
Part II Financials
Confirms that Part II of the Surety Company Annual Report includes detailed financial information regarding the company's operations. It verifies the inclusion and accuracy of gross premiums written, premiums earned, expenses incurred, and the calculation of the percent of direct premiums earned. This validation check is fundamental for assessing the financial performance of the surety company and ensuring that the reported figures are correct and complete.
Part III Losses and Recoveries
Verifies that Part III of the Surety Company Annual Report accurately reports the company's claims and recovery activities. It checks for the inclusion of direct losses paid, losses incurred, loss adjustment expenses, salvage recovered, and the calculation of net losses and the percent of direct premiums earned allocated to net losses. This validation is essential for understanding the company's loss experience and the impact on its financial stability.
Ensures that Part IV details each loss for which a notice was received during the report year
The software ensures that Part IV of the Surety Company Annual Report comprehensively details each loss reported within the year. It checks for the inclusion of the date of notice, the insured's name and address, the bond class code, bond coverage, the gross loss amount, the amount paid on the claim, and any salvage recovered. This validation is crucial for maintaining accurate and transparent records of all losses reported to the surety company.
Checks for the inclusion of any additional information necessary for completing an item on the form
The software checks for the inclusion of any additional information that may be necessary to complete an item on the Surety Company Annual Report. It ensures that all sections are filled out comprehensively, and prompts the user to provide any missing details that are essential for the accuracy and completeness of the report. This step is vital to prevent any omissions that could affect the validity of the report.
Verifies that all required fields on the form are filled out
The software verifies that all required fields on the Surety Company Annual Report are filled out, ensuring that no sections are left blank. It also checks that the form is filled out using acceptable writing instruments, specifically avoiding the use of pencil or colored inks that are not permitted. This validation helps maintain the form's legibility and official status.
Ensures that records are maintained for at least 5 years
The software ensures that records related to the Surety Company Annual Report are maintained for at least 5 years. This validation is in place to verify the accuracy and completeness of the report over time and to comply with regulatory requirements for record retention. It is a critical aspect of the company's due diligence and legal compliance.
Confirms that officers are aware of their personal responsibility for filing and accuracy
The software confirms that the officers of the surety company are aware of their personal responsibility for the filing and accuracy of the Surety Company Annual Report. It checks for acknowledgment of the criminal and civil penalties associated with willful failure to file or false reporting. This validation ensures that the officers are cognizant of the legal implications of their attestations.

Common Mistakes in Completing Form S-1

The Surety Company Annual Report requires the filing of Form S-1 within 150 days after the end of the fiscal year. Neglecting to file this form within the specified time frame may result in penalties and potential regulatory issues. To avoid this mistake, it is essential to maintain accurate records of the fiscal year end and ensure that the filing is completed in a timely manner.

The identification information provided on the form, such as the file number and fiscal year ending date, must be complete and accurate. Incorrect information may lead to processing delays or potential regulatory issues. To prevent this mistake, double-check all identification information before submitting the form.

Form S-1 must be signed by the required officers as indicated on the form. Failure to do so may result in the form being rejected, causing delays in the reporting process. To avoid this mistake, ensure that all required signatures are obtained before submitting the form.

Reporting premiums, losses, or expenses in the wrong categories or sections may result in inaccurate financial reporting and potential regulatory issues. To prevent this mistake, carefully review the instructions for reporting each item and ensure that they are reported in the correct section.

Rounding cents to the nearest dollar is a common requirement for financial reporting. Failure to do so may result in inaccurate financial reporting and potential regulatory issues. To prevent this mistake, ensure that all financial data is rounded correctly before submitting the form.

The use of pencils or other color inks instead of black ink on the Surety Company Annual Report may result in illegible or unclear entries. This can lead to errors in data interpretation and potential rejections of the report. To avoid this mistake, it is recommended to use a black pen or black ink to ensure that all entries are clear, legible, and easily readable by the reviewing authorities.

The Surety Company Annual Report may require additional information to complete certain items. Failure to provide all necessary information can result in incomplete or incorrect data, which may lead to errors in data interpretation and potential rejections of the report. To avoid this mistake, it is recommended to carefully review the instructions and requirements of each item and gather all necessary information before filling out the form.

The Surety Company Annual Report requires companies to maintain records for at least 5 years. Failure to maintain these records can result in non-compliance with regulatory requirements and potential penalties. To avoid this mistake, it is recommended to establish a record-keeping system and maintain all necessary records in a secure and easily accessible location.

The Surety Company Annual Report requires companies to report all losses, including those paid during the year and those incurred but not yet paid. Failure to report all losses can result in underreporting of financial data and potential penalties. To avoid this mistake, it is recommended to carefully review the instructions and requirements of the loss reporting section and ensure that all losses are accurately reported.

The Surety Company Annual Report may require calculations of percentages based on financial data. Failure to calculate percentages correctly can result in errors in data interpretation and potential rejections of the report. To avoid this mistake, it is recommended to carefully review the instructions and requirements of each calculation and use a calculator or spreadsheet software to ensure accuracy.

One of the most common mistakes in completing the Surety Company Annual Report form is the failure to report losses accurately. This error can lead to discrepancies and potential financial consequences. When reporting losses, it is essential to provide the correct information in the designated sections. This includes the date of the loss, the name and address of the insured, the bond class code, the bond coverage, the gross loss amount, the amount paid, and the salvage recovered. To avoid this mistake, carefully review the instructions provided on the form and ensure all required information is accurately reported in the appropriate sections.

Another common mistake in completing the Surety Company Annual Report form is the omission or inaccurate reporting of bond class codes. Bond class codes are essential in categorizing the type of bond and ensuring accurate reporting of financial data. Failing to report the correct bond class code can result in incorrect financial reporting and potential regulatory issues. To avoid this mistake, carefully review the instructions provided on the form and ensure all bond class codes are accurately reported in the appropriate sections. If unsure of the bond class code, consult with the insured or the surety bond issuer to confirm the correct code.

A third common mistake in completing the Surety Company Annual Report form is the failure to provide complete and accurate contact information. This includes the name, address, and phone number of the surety company and the contact person responsible for completing the form. Incomplete or inaccurate contact information can result in delays in processing the report and potential regulatory issues. To avoid this mistake, ensure all contact information is complete and accurate before submitting the form. Double-check all information for errors and make any necessary corrections before submitting the report.

A final common mistake in completing the Surety Company Annual Report form is the failure to provide complete and accurate financial data. This includes gross premiums written, gross losses paid, and other financial data required by the form. Incomplete or inaccurate financial data can result in discrepancies and potential financial consequences. To avoid this mistake, carefully review the instructions provided on the form and ensure all financial data is accurately reported in the appropriate sections. Double-check all data for errors and make any necessary corrections before submitting the report.
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