Fill out Form CMS-1763, Request for Termination of Medicare Coverage with

Form CMS-1763 is a request for termination of Medicare premium Part A, Part B, or Part B immunosuppressive drug coverage. It is important for individuals who no longer need their Medicare coverage to fill out this form to avoid potential penalties and ensure proper documentation of their request.
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Form CMS-1763, Request for Termination of Medicare Coverage free printable template

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How to Fill Out CMS-1763 Online for Free in 2024

Are you looking to fill out a CMS-1763 form online quickly and accurately? offers the #1 AI-powered PDF filling software of 2024, allowing you to complete your CMS-1763 form in just 37 seconds or less.
Follow these steps to fill out your CMS-1763 form online using
  1. 1 Visit site and select CMS-1763.
  2. 2 Enter your Medicare number and address.
  3. 3 Provide witness information if needed.
  4. 4 Sign and date the form electronically.
  5. 5 Check for accuracy and submit the form.

Our AI-powered system ensures each field is filled out correctly, reducing errors and saving you time.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Form CMS-1763

This form is intended for individuals who have Medicare premium Part A or B and wish to terminate their hospital or medical insurance coverage.

Use this form if you have premium Part A or Part B but wish to voluntarily terminate this coverage, or if you are now covered under a spouse’s employer-sponsored health insurance and wish to terminate Medicare coverage.

To complete the application, you will need your Medicare number, current address and phone number, and a witness and their current address and phone number if you signed the form with ‘X’.

Disenrolling from Part B may result in gaps in coverage and a late enrollment penalty. It is important to note that you must have Part B while enrolled in premium Part A. If you disenroll from Part B, your premium Part A will also terminate.

For assistance with this application, you can contact Social Security at 1-800-772-1213, visit your local Social Security office, or go to

Once you have completed and signed the application, send it to your local Social Security office. If you have any questions, you can contact Social Security at 1-800-772-1213.

If you do not qualify for a special enrollment period, you will need to wait for the general enrollment period, which is every year from January—March. Coverage will be effective the month after the month of the enrollment request.

To terminate Part B Immunosuppressive Drug Coverage, you will need to complete the form CMS 18-F-5 or CMS 40-B and provide any required forms if you qualify for a special enrollment period.

The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-0025.

The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 10 minutes per response.

Although providing reasons for termination is not a requirement, the information given will be used to document your understanding of the effects of your request.

Please send your completed and signed application to your local Social Security office.

If you fail to enroll in Part B when first eligible, you may incur a late enrollment penalty of 10% for each full 12-month period you didn’t have Part B but were eligible to sign up and didn’t have other appropriate coverage in place.

Part A is Hospital Insurance, which covers inpatient hospital stays, skilled nursing facility care, hospice care, and some home health care. Part B is Medical Insurance, which covers doctor services, outpatient hospital care, home health care, and some preventive services.

Two witnesses who know the applicant must sign below, giving their full addresses.

You can download a printable version of Form CMS-1763 here.

Compliance CMS-1763
Validation Checks by

Ensures the individual is eligible for termination of Medicare premium Part A or B coverage
This validation check ensures that the individual requesting termination of coverage is indeed eligible for such an action. It involves verifying the individual's enrollment status in Medicare premium Part A or B and confirming that the conditions for termination, as stipulated by Medicare guidelines, are met. The check also includes an assessment of the individual's eligibility based on their current health insurance status and any other relevant factors that may affect their eligibility for termination.
Confirms the form is used appropriately for disenrollment or in cases of obtaining employer-sponsored health insurance
This validation check confirms that the Request for Termination of Coverage form is being used for its intended purpose, which includes disenrollment from Medicare coverage or in instances where the individual has obtained employer-sponsored health insurance. The check ensures that the form is not being misused for other purposes and that the request for termination aligns with the scenarios where such a request is considered appropriate and valid.
Verifies that the Medicare number provided is valid and corresponds to the individual requesting termination
This validation check verifies the authenticity and validity of the Medicare number provided on the form. It ensures that the number matches the records for the individual who is requesting the termination of coverage. The check also involves cross-referencing the Medicare number with the individual's personal information to prevent any discrepancies or fraudulent activities.
Checks that the current address and phone number are complete and accurate
This validation check ensures that the current address and phone number provided on the form are complete, accurate, and up-to-date. It involves checking the format of the address and phone number to ensure they comply with standard conventions and verifying that the information corresponds with what is on file or in public records. This is crucial for maintaining effective communication with the individual regarding their termination request.
Validates the presence of a witness's address and phone number if the form is signed with an 'X'
This validation check is specific to instances where the form is signed with an 'X', which typically indicates that the individual is unable to sign their name. In such cases, the check validates the presence and accuracy of a witness's address and phone number, who must sign the form as well to attest to the identity of the individual and the authenticity of the request for termination.
Confirms the requested termination date for premium Part A or Part B coverage is clearly stated.
The AI ensures that the requested termination date for premium Part A or Part B coverage is explicitly mentioned on the form. It checks for a valid date format and confirms that the date is not left blank. The AI also verifies that the termination date is in the future and not a past date to prevent processing errors. Additionally, it cross-references the date with the enrollee's coverage start date to ensure the request is logical.
Ensures the enrollee understands the consequences of disenrollment, including coverage gaps and potential penalties.
The AI system ensures that the form includes a section where the enrollee acknowledges understanding the consequences of disenrollment. It checks for mandatory initials or signatures next to statements that outline the risks of coverage gaps and potential penalties. The AI also verifies that any related explanatory text is not altered or omitted, ensuring the enrollee is fully informed before termination.
Verifies that the form is signed with ink and, if signed by mark (X), that two witnesses have signed with their full addresses.
The AI verifies the presence of a signature in ink on the form to confirm authenticity. If the signature is a mark (X), the AI checks for the presence of two witness signatures along with their full addresses. It ensures that the witness information is complete and legible, which is crucial for validating the enrollee's intent to terminate coverage.
Confirms the type of coverage to be terminated is clearly indicated: Hospital Insurance, Medical Insurance, or Part B Immunosuppressive Drug Coverage.
The AI confirms that the form clearly indicates the specific type of coverage the enrollee wishes to terminate, whether it be Hospital Insurance, Medical Insurance, or Part B Immunosuppressive Drug Coverage. It checks for clear selection or indication on the form and ensures that there is no ambiguity in the enrollee's choice. The AI also validates that only the applicable coverage type is marked for termination.
Checks that the reason(s) for termination are stated on the form.
The AI checks that the form includes a section where the enrollee can state the reason(s) for termination. It ensures that this section is not left blank and that the provided reasons are within the acceptable criteria for termination. The AI also verifies that the reasons are clearly written and understandable to prevent any misinterpretation during the processing of the request.
Ensures the form is complete with the enrollee's printed name and Medicare number.
This validation check ensures that all required fields for the enrollee's identification are properly filled out. It confirms that the enrollee's printed name is clearly legible and matches the name associated with the Medicare account. Additionally, it verifies that the Medicare number provided is in the correct format and corresponds to the enrollee's records. This step is crucial for the accurate processing of the termination request.
Verifies that the form is submitted to the correct local Social Security office.
This validation check verifies that the form is directed to the appropriate local Social Security office based on the enrollee's place of residence or other relevant factors. It ensures that the address or office code provided on the form matches the designated office for the enrollee's jurisdiction. This step is important to prevent delays in processing and to ensure that the request is handled by the correct administrative body.
Confirms that the Medicare card is returned if the individual has one.
This validation check confirms that if the enrollee possesses a physical Medicare card, it is returned along with the termination request. It ensures compliance with the requirement to surrender the Medicare card upon termination of coverage. This step is necessary to prevent unauthorized use of the card and to update the enrollee's status in the Medicare system.
Ensures that the OMB control number 0938-0025 is present and acknowledges the estimated time for form completion.
This validation check ensures that the form includes the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number 0938-0025, which is necessary for the form's validity. It also acknowledges the estimated time provided for the completion of the form, ensuring that the enrollee is aware of the time commitment required. This step helps maintain the form's compliance with federal guidelines and informs the enrollee about the process.
Checks for accessibility and discrimination complaint information as per the instructions.
This validation check ensures that the form includes information regarding accessibility and the process for filing a discrimination complaint, if necessary. It confirms that the instructions related to these aspects are clear and visible to the enrollee. This step is important to uphold the enrollee's rights and to provide guidance on how to proceed if there are concerns about accessibility or discrimination during the termination process.

Common Mistakes in Completing CMS-1763

One of the most critical mistakes when completing the Request for Termination of Coverage form is not verifying eligibility beforehand. This error can lead to unnecessary delays or even rejections of the form. To avoid this, carefully review the eligibility requirements and ensure that all prerequisites are met before submitting the form. Consulting with the HR department or insurance provider can provide valuable insights and clarification on eligibility criteria.

Another common mistake is submitting the Request for Termination of Coverage form before securing employer-sponsored health insurance. This oversight can result in a lapse in coverage, leaving individuals without essential health benefits during a critical time. To prevent this, ensure that you have secured alternative health insurance coverage before submitting the form for termination.

Neglecting to include the Medicare number on the Request for Termination of Coverage form can lead to processing delays or even rejection of the form. This information is crucial for the insurance provider to accurately process the termination request. To avoid this mistake, double-check that the Medicare number is correctly entered on the form before submitting it.

Providing incorrect or outdated contact information on the Request for Termination of Coverage form can cause complications during the processing of the request. Ensure that the current address and phone number are accurately filled in to facilitate seamless communication between you and the insurance provider. This information is also essential for receiving important notifications and updates regarding your coverage.

When signing the Request for Termination of Coverage form with an 'X', it is essential to include the witness's information. Failing to do so can result in processing delays or even rejection of the form. To avoid this mistake, ensure that the witness signs the form and provides their full name, address, and phone number. This information is necessary for the insurance provider to validate the signature and complete the termination process.

One of the most common errors in completing the Request for Termination of Coverage form is entering an incorrect termination date. This mistake can lead to confusion and potential disruption of coverage. To avoid this error, carefully review the effective date of the termination as stated in the policy or contract, and ensure that the date entered on the form aligns with this information. Additionally, consider providing a buffer day or two to allow for processing time and mail delivery.

Another frequent mistake is neglecting to specify the exact type of coverage to be terminated. This oversight can result in unintended consequences, such as the termination of all coverage or the continuation of coverage that was not intended to be kept. To prevent this error, clearly identify the specific coverage being terminated, such as medical, dental, or vision insurance, and ensure that this information is accurately reflected on the form.

Leaving the reason(s) for termination blank is a common mistake that can lead to delays or denials in the processing of the form. Providing a clear and concise explanation for the termination is essential to ensure a smooth transition. Common reasons for termination include the loss of eligibility, the end of a contract period, or the individual's decision to seek coverage elsewhere. Be sure to provide as much detail as possible to help expedite the process.

Although it may be more convenient to sign the Request for Termination of Coverage form electronically, this practice is not permitted. The form must be signed with ink to ensure the authenticity and validity of the signature. Failure to comply with this requirement can result in delays or denials in the processing of the form. To avoid this mistake, print the form, sign it with ink, and mail it back to the appropriate party as soon as possible.

Lastly, forgetting to return the Medicare card after terminating coverage is a common oversight that can result in unnecessary costs or penalties. It is essential to return the card to the Medicare administrator as soon as possible to avoid any potential issues. To prevent this mistake, make a note to return the card with the form or as soon as the termination has been processed. Additionally, consider setting a reminder in your calendar or using a task management system to help ensure that this important step is not overlooked.

One of the most common mistakes made when completing the Request for Termination of Coverage form is missing the deadline for re-enrollment. It is essential to be aware of the specific date by which this form must be submitted to avoid any disruption in your healthcare coverage. To avoid this mistake, carefully review the instructions on the form and any accompanying materials, and mark your calendar with the deadline. If you are unsure about the deadline or have any questions, contact your healthcare provider or the Social Security Administration for clarification.

Another mistake made when filling out the Request for Termination of Coverage form is not fully understanding the consequences of disenrolling from Part B. Disenrolling from Part B may result in a late enrollment penalty if you decide to re-enroll at a later date. Additionally, you may be responsible for paying higher premiums for the rest of your life. To avoid this mistake, carefully consider the reasons for disenrolling from Part B and weigh the potential costs and benefits. If you are unsure about the implications of disenrolling, consult with a healthcare professional or the Social Security Administration for guidance.

A third mistake made when completing the Request for Termination of Coverage form is sending it to an incorrect address. This can result in delays in processing your request and potentially lead to continued coverage when it was intended to be terminated. To avoid this mistake, double-check the address listed on the form and ensure it is the correct address for the entity responsible for processing your request. If you are unsure about the address, contact your healthcare provider or the Social Security Administration for clarification.
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