Fill out Form 8879, IRS e-file Signature Authorization with

Form 8879, IRS e-file Signature Authorization, is a declaration document that allows taxpayers to authorize the electronic filing of their tax returns. It is essential for ensuring that the e-filed return is legitimate and that the taxpayer's signature is valid.
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Form 8879, IRS e-file Signature Authorization free printable template

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How to Fill Out Form 8879 Online for Free in 2024

Are you looking to fill out a 8879 form online quickly and accurately? offers the #1 AI-powered PDF filling software of 2024, allowing you to complete your 8879 form in just 37 seconds or less.
Follow these steps to fill out your 8879 form online using
  1. 1 Visit site and select Form 8879.
  2. 2 Enter taxpayer and spouse's information.
  3. 3 Fill in tax return information for the year.
  4. 4 Authorize ERO to enter or generate your PIN.
  5. 5 Sign and date the form electronically.
  6. 6 Check for accuracy and submit the form.

Our AI-powered system ensures each field is filled out correctly, reducing errors and saving you time.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Form Form 8879

Form 8879, IRS e-file Signature Authorization, is used to grant someone (including a tax professional) the legal authority to electronically file your tax return(s) with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on your behalf. This form is required when you are unable to sign and file your tax return electronically due to being out of the country or due to certain other circumstances.

Taxpayers who are unable to sign and file their tax return(s) electronically due to being out of the country or due to certain other circumstances are required to complete Form 8879. The taxpayer must also provide their Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) and the name, PTIN (Preparer Tax Identification Number), and signature of the person who will be electronically filing their return(s).

Part I of Form 8879 requires the taxpayer to provide their name, Social Security Number or ITIN, and mailing address. The taxpayer must also sign and date the form and provide the name, PTIN, and signature of the person who will be electronically filing their return(s).

The Practitioner PIN method is an alternative way for taxpayers to authorize their tax professional to electronically file their tax return(s) without having to sign and mail Form 8879. Instead, the tax professional can use their own Practitioner PIN to electronically sign the taxpayer's return(s) on their behalf. This method is only available to tax professionals who have been granted this authorization by the IRS. Taxpayers who are unable to use the Practitioner PIN method must still complete and mail Form 8879.

An Electronic Return Originator (ERO) is a software application or a third-party service that is used to electronically file tax returns with the IRS. The ERO is responsible for verifying the authenticity of the Form 8879 and the taxpayer's signature before electronically filing the tax return(s). The ERO also transmits the Form 8879 and the tax return(s) to the IRS for processing.

Form 8879, IRS e-file Signature Authorization, is used by a taxpayer to designate an individual to electronically file their tax return or to authorize an e-file service provider to represent them before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The taxpayer is responsible for ensuring that the designated individual or e-file service provider has a valid Power of Attorney (POA) or Tax Professional Consent (TPC) form, if required, and that they have the necessary authorization to e-file the tax return. The taxpayer should also review the information on the form carefully before signing it.

The Submission Identification Number (SID) is a unique number assigned to each electronic tax return or e-file transmission. It is used by the IRS to identify and track the tax return or e-file transmission. The SID is included in Form 8879 to allow the IRS to associate the taxpayer's authorization with the specific tax return or transmission. The taxpayer should include the SID on Form 8879 when submitting it to the Electronic Return Originator (ERO).

Taxpayers should retain a copy of Form 8879 for their records as proof of the authorization given to an individual or e-file service provider to e-file their tax return. The IRS may request a copy of Form 8879 as part of an audit or examination. Taxpayers should also keep a copy of any POA or TPC forms that were submitted with Form 8879.

Taxpayers should submit completed Form 8879 to their Electronic Return Originator (ERO) as soon as possible, but no later than the due date of their tax return. If the taxpayer is requesting an extension of time to file their tax return, they should submit Form 8879 by the extended due date. The ERO may have additional requirements or deadlines for submitting Form 8879, so taxpayers should check with their ERO for specific instructions.

Yes, taxpayers can sign Form 8879 electronically using an approved method, such as a digital signature or an electronic tax software product that is certified by the IRS. The taxpayer should follow the instructions provided by their Electronic Return Originator (ERO) or tax software provider for signing Form 8879 electronically. The taxpayer should also keep a copy of the signed Form 8879 for their records.

If a taxpayer fails to provide a signed Form 8879 to the ERO, the ERO may not be able to electronically file the tax return. This could result in delays in processing the return and issuing any refund due. The taxpayer should submit the signed Form 8879 as soon as possible to avoid any potential issues.

Form 8879, IRS e-file Signature Authorization, is used to authorize someone (including a tax preparer) to electronically file, amend, or withdraw a tax return for the taxpayer. Form 9325, Paper Filing Instructions for Form 8879, is used when the taxpayer wants to file a paper return instead of an electronic one and needs to provide a signed Form 8879 with the paper filing.

Taxpayers can check the status of their refund using the 'Where's My Refund?' tool on the IRS website. They will need to enter their Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, filing status, and the exact amount of their refund shown on their tax return. If the return has been accepted and the refund is being processed, the tool will display the expected refund date. If the return has not been accepted yet, the tool will display a message asking the taxpayer to check back later.

Providing false information on Form 8879 is considered tax fraud and is a criminal offense. The IRS may assess penalties, interest, and even criminal charges against the taxpayer. It is important to provide accurate and truthful information on all tax forms, including Form 8879.

Taxpayers should keep a copy of the signed Form 8879 for their records. The IRS may request a copy of the form if needed for tax purposes. Businesses and tax professionals who file returns on behalf of others should also keep a copy of the signed Form 8879 in their records.

No, the IRS does not allow the use of a rubber stamp or mechanical device to sign Form 8879 (e-file Signature Authorization). The person designated as the ERO (Electronic Return Originator) must sign the form personally. This ensures the authenticity and integrity of the electronic signature.

The IRS plays a crucial role in processing Form 8879. Once the form is signed and submitted, the IRS uses the information provided to authorize the designated person (ERO) to electronically file tax returns on behalf of the entity or individual. The IRS also ensures the security and confidentiality of the information provided on the form.

If there are errors or changes to the information provided in Form 8879, the ERO should correct the form and submit an amended Form 8879 to the IRS. The IRS recommends contacting their e-Help Desk at 1-866-255-0654 for assistance with the amendment process. It is essential to keep accurate records and promptly report any changes to ensure the continued validity of the authorization.

You can download a printable version of Form 8879 here.

Compliance Form 8879
Validation Checks by

Submission Identification Number (SID) Accuracy
The AI ensures that the Submission Identification Number (SID) is entered correctly at the top of the IRS e-file Signature Authorization form. It cross-references the SID with the IRS database to confirm its validity. The AI also checks for the correct format and length of the SID to prevent any processing delays or errors. If the SID is missing or incorrect, the AI prompts for a review or re-entry of the correct number.
Taxpayer's and Spouse's Information Accuracy
The AI confirms that the Taxpayer's and Spouse's names and Social Security Numbers (SSNs) are provided and accurately recorded on the IRS e-file Signature Authorization form. It validates the SSNs against the Social Security Administration's records to ensure they match the names provided. The AI also checks for any discrepancies in the spelling of names and the sequence of SSNs to ensure that the form is associated with the correct individuals.
Correct Tax Year Entry
The AI verifies that the tax year ending December 31 is correctly entered in Part I of the IRS e-file Signature Authorization form for the year being authorized. It checks the tax year against the current date to ensure that the authorization corresponds to the appropriate filing period. The AI also alerts if the tax year entered is in the future or the past beyond acceptable ranges for the filing season.
Accurate Financial Amounts in Part I
The AI checks that the whole dollar amounts for adjusted gross income, total tax, federal income tax withheld, refund amount, and amount owed are correctly filled in Part I of the IRS e-file Signature Authorization form. It performs arithmetic validations to ensure that the amounts are consistent with each other and with the information available from the taxpayer's records. The AI also rounds the amounts to the nearest whole dollar as required by IRS guidelines.
Form 1040-SS Specific Line Completion
The AI ensures that Form 1040-SS filers leave lines 1, 2, 3, and 5 blank and only fill in line 4 in Part I of the IRS e-file Signature Authorization form. It checks the form type and guides the filer to input information only in the relevant fields. The AI also prevents the entry of data in the lines that should be left blank for Form 1040-SS filers to avoid processing errors.
Taxpayer Declaration Authorization
Ensures that the taxpayer has acknowledged the declaration in Part II of the IRS e-file Signature Authorization form. It confirms that the taxpayer has either authorized the Electronic Return Originator (ERO) to enter or generate their Personal Identification Number (PIN) or has opted to enter their own PIN by checking the appropriate box. This validation is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the taxpayer's authorization.
Taxpayer and Spouse Signature and PIN
Verifies that both the taxpayer and their spouse, if filing jointly, have signed and dated the IRS e-file Signature Authorization form. It also checks that a valid five-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) has been entered for each, which cannot include all zeros. This step is essential to ensure that the form is legally binding and that the PINs provided are acceptable for processing.
ERO PIN Entry and Certification
Checks that the Electronic Return Originator (ERO) has properly completed Part III of the form. This includes entering their six-digit Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) and a five-digit self-selected PIN. The ERO must also certify the PIN as their signature and sign and date the form. This validation confirms the ERO's identity and their authorization to file on behalf of the taxpayer.
ERO Record Retention
Ensures that the Electronic Return Originator (ERO) retains a completed copy of Form 8879, the IRS e-file Signature Authorization, for their records. It also confirms the understanding that this form should not be sent to the IRS unless specifically requested. This validation is important for compliance with IRS record-keeping requirements.
Taxpayer Return Accuracy Verification
Confirms that the taxpayer has reviewed and verified the accuracy of all the information on their tax return, including direct deposit details. This validation is crucial to prevent errors and ensure that the tax return reflects the taxpayer's correct financial information and that any refunds or payments are processed correctly.
Taxpayer Copy Receipt Verification
The system ensures that the taxpayer has received a copy of the signed Form 8879 from the Electronic Return Originator (ERO). It verifies the acknowledgment of receipt by the taxpayer, which is crucial for maintaining transparency and record-keeping. The system also checks for a timestamp or a digital trail that confirms the delivery of the signed form to the taxpayer. This step is essential to meet IRS requirements and to protect both the taxpayer and the ERO.
Post-Review Change Check
The system checks for any changes made to the return after the taxpayer's review. If any modifications are detected, it ensures that a corrected copy of Form 8879 is provided to the taxpayer. This validation is critical to maintain the integrity of the tax filing and to ensure that the taxpayer is aware of and consents to the final information submitted to the IRS. The system also helps prevent any discrepancies that could arise from unauthorized alterations.
ERO and Taxpayer Responsibilities Confirmation
The system confirms that the ERO's and taxpayer's responsibilities are understood as per the General Instructions section on Page 2 of Form 8879. It checks that both parties have acknowledged their roles and the associated tasks, which is a requirement for a valid e-file authorization. The system reviews the form for signatures and initials where necessary, ensuring that the authorization process complies with the established guidelines.
Mandatory Field Completion Validation
The system validates that all required fields are filled out and no mandatory information is missing on Form 8879. It scans each section of the form to ensure completeness and accuracy of the data provided. The system alerts the user to any unfilled sections or discrepancies that could invalidate the form. This step is crucial to prevent rejections by the IRS due to incomplete submissions.
IRS Regulation Compliance Check
The system ensures compliance with IRS regulations and guidelines for e-file Signature Authorization. It cross-references the information on Form 8879 with the latest IRS rules to ensure that the form is properly executed. The system updates its checks based on the most current tax laws and e-filing procedures, providing an additional layer of assurance that the form will be accepted by the IRS.

Common Mistakes in Completing Form 8879

The Submission Identification Number (SID) is a critical component of the IRS e-file Signature Authorization form. It is essential to ensure that the SID entered matches the one provided by the tax software or e-file provider. Incorrect SIDs can lead to rejections or delays in processing. To avoid this mistake, double-check the SID provided and ensure it matches the one in your records before submitting the form.

The IRS e-file Signature Authorization form requires the taxpayer's name and Social Security Number to be filled out accurately. Failing to provide this information can result in processing delays or rejections. It is crucial to ensure that all required fields are completed correctly and legibly. To avoid this mistake, double-check the information provided and ensure it matches the information on file with the IRS.

Part I of the IRS e-file Signature Authorization form requires taxpayers to provide specific dollar amounts related to their tax returns. Incorrect or incomplete information in this section can lead to processing delays or rejections. It is essential to ensure that all dollar amounts are entered correctly and complete. To avoid this mistake, double-check the information provided against your tax return and ensure that all required fields are completed.

Part II of the IRS e-file Signature Authorization form requires taxpayers to read and agree to the declaration statement. Failing to read and agree to the declaration can result in processing delays or rejections. It is essential to ensure that you have read and understood the declaration statement before signing the form. To avoid this mistake, carefully review the declaration statement and ensure that you agree with its terms before signing the form.

Failure to sign and date the IRS e-file Signature Authorization form in the designated area of Part II - Taxpayer Declaration and Signature Authorization may result in processing delays or rejection of the e-filed tax return. To avoid this mistake, ensure that all individuals listed on the form sign and date it accordingly. Additionally, make sure that the signature is legible and the date is clearly written.

Entering all zeros as the five-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) is a common mistake when filling out the IRS e-file Signature Authorization form. This error may lead to processing delays or rejection of the e-filed tax return. To prevent this mistake, double-check the PIN provided against the taxpayer's records or consult with the designated individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) holder for the correct PIN. It is essential to maintain the confidentiality of the PIN to ensure the security of the taxpayer's information.

After completing and signing the IRS e-file Signature Authorization form (Form 8879), it is crucial for the employer or payor to retain a copy for their records. Failing to do so may result in difficulties in resolving any potential issues related to the e-filed tax return. To avoid this mistake, ensure that the employer or payor keeps a copy of the signed and dated Form 8879 for their records and communicates the importance of retaining this form to the taxpayer.

Sending the completed IRS e-file Signature Authorization form (Form 8879) to the IRS without being requested to do so may result in unnecessary processing delays or potential security concerns. The IRS will only request the Form 8879 when needed for tax return processing. To avoid this mistake, wait for the IRS's request before sending the completed form. If the taxpayer or employer/payor has any concerns about the need to send the form, they should contact the IRS directly for clarification.

Before signing and submitting the IRS e-file Signature Authorization form (Form 8879), it is essential to verify the accuracy of the tax return and direct deposit information. Errors in this information may lead to processing delays, incorrect tax refunds, or even tax return rejection. To prevent this mistake, carefully review all tax return information and direct deposit details before signing the form. If any discrepancies are found, correct them before submitting the form to the IRS.

Taxpayers who need to make changes to their previously e-filed tax returns must also submit a corrected Form 8879, the IRS e-file Signature Authorization form. This form grants the IRS permission to discuss the taxpayer's account with their designated representative. If a taxpayer fails to provide a corrected copy of Form 8879 when filing an amended return, the IRS may not be able to process the change effectively. To avoid this mistake, taxpayers should keep a record of their Form 8879 and update it whenever they make changes to their tax returns. It is essential to understand that a corrected Form 8879 must be submitted along with the amended return to ensure the IRS can process the change efficiently.

Ensuring the correct entry of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is crucial when completing Form 8879. A mistake in this field can lead to processing delays or even rejection of the form. To prevent this error, taxpayers should double-check their TIN against their original tax documents before submitting the form. If a taxpayer needs to make changes to their TIN, they must file a new Form 8879 with the corrected information.

Form 8879 requires specific information from the taxpayer, including their name, address, and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). Incomplete or missing information can cause processing delays or even rejection of the form. To avoid this mistake, taxpayers should ensure they provide all the required information when completing the form. It is essential to read the instructions carefully and fill out the form accurately to ensure a smooth processing experience.

Form 8879 requires the taxpayer's signature and date to be valid. If the form is not signed and dated, the IRS may not be able to process it, leading to delays or even rejection. To prevent this mistake, taxpayers should sign and date the form before submitting it. It is essential to understand that the signature and date on the Form 8879 must match the ones on the original tax return to ensure the IRS can properly associate the forms.
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