Fill out Form 1095-B, Health Coverage with
Form 1095-B, also known as the Health Coverage form, is used to report information to the IRS about individuals who are covered by minimum essential health coverage. It is important for tax reporting purposes and to determine eligibility for certain tax credits.
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How to Fill Out Form 1095-B Online for Free in 2024
Are you looking to fill out a 1095-B form online quickly and accurately? offers the #1 AI-powered PDF filling software of 2024, allowing you to complete your 1095-B form in just 37 seconds or less.
Follow these steps to fill out your 1095-B form online using
- 1 Visit site and select Form 1095-B
- 2 Enter responsible individual's details
- 3 Provide employer-sponsored coverage info
- 4 Fill in issuer or coverage provider data
- 5 List covered individuals and coverage months
- 6 Sign and date the form electronically
- 7 Check for accuracy and submit the form
Our AI-powered system ensures each field is filled out correctly, reducing errors and saving you time.
Why Choose for Your Fillable Form 1095-B Form?
Complete your Form 1095-B in as little as 37 seconds.
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Our AI performs 10 compliance checks to ensure your form is error-free.
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Frequently Asked Questions About Form Form 1095-B
Form 1095-B, Health Coverage, is used to report information to the IRS and to taxpayers about individuals who are covered by minimum essential coverage and therefore are not liable for the individual shared responsibility payment. It serves as proof of insurance for the taxpayer and is used to verify that an individual has the health coverage required under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Form 1095-B should be received by individuals who were covered by health insurance providers that are not part of the Health Insurance Marketplace. This includes coverage provided by insurance companies, self-insured employers, government-sponsored programs like Medicare or Medicaid, and other coverage providers. The form is sent to the individual who is the primary insured, the spouse, or the dependent.
Part I of Form 1095-B reports the general information about the responsible individual (the primary insured), including the name, Social Security Number (SSN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), date of birth (if SSN or TIN is not available), and address. This part identifies the taxpayer who held the health coverage.
On Form 1095-B, the responsible individual's Social Security Number (SSN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is protected through various privacy measures. The form is sent in a secure manner, and the information is only shared with authorized entities. Additionally, the IRS has systems in place to protect taxpayer information, including SSNs and TINs, from unauthorized access or disclosure.
The code entered on line 8 of Form 1095-B indicates the type of coverage the individual had. These codes are used to identify the insurance market through which the coverage was obtained, such as a small business insurance option program (SHOP), or to indicate other types of coverage like government-sponsored programs. The specific codes and their meanings are detailed in the instructions for Form 1095-B.
Line 8 of Form 1095-B includes codes that identify the type of health coverage you had. These codes correspond to various types of health insurance coverage, such as employer-sponsored insurance, a government-sponsored program like Medicare or Medicaid, individual market insurance, or other coverage. The specific codes are used to indicate the type of plan and the months for which you and any family members were covered.
If you receive a Form 1095-B, you should keep it with your tax records. This form provides information about your health coverage that you may need when filing your tax return. It serves as proof of the health insurance coverage you had during the year and is important for verifying that you met the requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for having health coverage. You do not need to attach Form 1095-B to your tax return, but you should use it to help complete your tax return if you are required to report health coverage information.
Yes, there are circumstances where health coverage is reported on Form 1095-A or Form 1095-C instead of Form 1095-B. Form 1095-A is used to report coverage purchased through the Health Insurance Marketplace, and it is necessary for taxpayers to reconcile any advance payments of the premium tax credit. Form 1095-C is provided by certain employers, typically large employers, to report information about health insurance offered to employees and their dependents under an employer-sponsored plan. If you have coverage through the Marketplace or an applicable large employer, you may receive Form 1095-A or Form 1095-C instead of, or in addition to, Form 1095-B.
Part II of Form 1095-B contains information regarding employer-sponsored coverage. It includes the employer's name, Employer Identification Number (EIN), and the address of the employer. This part of the form also provides information about the responsible individual (typically the employee) and indicates whether the coverage is a self-insured plan. This information is used to identify the provider of the health coverage and to verify that you had employer-sponsored health insurance during the year.
If Part II of Form 1095-B is blank, it generally means that your health coverage was not provided by an employer. This could be the case if you had coverage through a government program like Medicare or Medicaid, individual market insurance, or another type of coverage not associated with an employer. If you believe there is an error and you did have employer-sponsored coverage, you should contact the issuer of the form, which could be your employer or the insurance provider, to correct the information. Otherwise, if the information is accurate, you can proceed with your tax filing using the other parts of the form that detail your coverage.
Part III of Form 1095-B, titled 'Issuer or Other Coverage Provider,' reports information about the insurance issuer or other entity that provided the health coverage. This section includes the name, address, and Employer Identification Number (EIN) of the issuer or coverage provider. It is used to identify the organization responsible for providing the health coverage detailed in the form.
If you have questions about the information reported on Form 1095-B, you should contact the issuer or coverage provider listed in Part III of the form. Their contact information, including a phone number, is typically provided on the form. If the issuer or coverage provider is your employer, you may contact your human resources or benefits department for assistance.
Part IV of Form 1095-B, titled 'Covered Individuals,' lists the names, Social Security Numbers (or dates of birth if SSNs are not available), and the coverage dates for each individual covered under the policy or program. This part provides details about who was covered and for which months during the calendar year they had health coverage.
In Part IV of Form 1095-B, coverage information for each individual is reported by listing their name, Social Security Number or date of birth, and the months for which they had coverage under the health plan. There are checkboxes for each month of the calendar year, and the applicable boxes are checked to indicate the specific months during which the individual was covered.
If there are more than six covered individuals on your Form 1095-B, you should complete and attach additional copies of Part IV for each group of up to six individuals. Ensure that the additional Part IV pages are properly filled out with the names, Social Security Numbers or dates of birth, and coverage information for each additional individual. Attach these additional pages to your Form 1095-B when you file it.
No, you do not need to attach Form 1095-B to your tax return. This form is for your information only and serves as proof of the health insurance coverage you had for the year. You should keep Form 1095-B with your tax records.
If you need a copy of Form 1095-B for other individuals covered under the policy, you should contact the insurance provider or the employer who provided the coverage. They are responsible for issuing the form and should be able to provide you with additional copies or direct you on how to obtain them.
Additional information about the tax provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the premium tax credit can be found on the IRS website. You can visit the Health Care Tax Provisions page for individuals and families, or you can search for specific topics related to the ACA and premium tax credits. The IRS also provides publications, FAQs, and resources to help you understand your tax obligations and benefits under the ACA.
The 'VOID' and 'CORRECTED' checkboxes on Form 1095-B are used by the issuer of the form to indicate the status of the form. If 'VOID' is checked, it means the form should not be used because it was issued in error. If 'CORRECTED' is checked, it indicates that the form has been issued to correct a previously issued Form 1095-B that contained incorrect information. In the case of a corrected form, you should use the latest information provided for your records and tax filing purposes.
The OMB No. 1545-2252 on Form 1095-B refers to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number assigned to this form. The OMB control number is used for the paperwork reduction act to track and manage the information collection requirements imposed on the public by the federal government. It is a unique identifier for the form and is used for administrative purposes.
You can download a printable version of Form 1095-B
Compliance Form 1095-B
Validation Checks by
Ensures that the first name, middle name, and last name of the responsible individual are entered in Part I.
The AI ensures that the first name, middle name, and last name fields for the responsible individual are properly filled out in Part I of Form 1095-B. It checks for the presence of alphabetical characters and validates that each field is populated. The AI also verifies that the names entered match the standard naming conventions and alerts if any fields are left blank or contain invalid characters.
Confirms that the Social Security Number (SSN) or other Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is provided for the responsible individual in Part I; if not available, verifies that the date of birth is entered.
The AI confirms that a valid Social Security Number (SSN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for the responsible individual is entered in Part I of the form. If an SSN or TIN is not available, the AI verifies that the date of birth is provided as an alternative identifier. It checks the format of the SSN or TIN to ensure it adheres to the standard numerical patterns and validates the date of birth against common date formats.
Verifies that the street address, including apartment number, is correctly entered in Part I.
The AI verifies the accuracy of the street address and apartment number entered in Part I of Form 1095-B. It checks for a valid street address format, including the presence of street name, number, and if applicable, apartment or unit number. The AI also ensures that the address is complete and does not contain any unusual characters or abbreviations that could affect mail delivery.
Checks that the city or town is filled in for Part I.
The AI checks that the city or town field in Part I of Form 1095-B is properly filled in. It ensures that the field is not left blank and that the input matches expected city or town naming conventions. The AI also cross-references the entered city or town with a database to confirm its existence and correct spelling.
Confirms that the state or province is provided in Part I.
The AI confirms that the state or province field in Part I of Form 1095-B is populated. It checks that the input corresponds to a valid state or province abbreviation or full name. The AI also ensures that the state or province is appropriate for the country of residence and alerts if the field is left empty or contains an invalid entry.
Ensures that the country and ZIP or foreign postal code are correctly entered in Part I.
This validation check ensures that the country field in Part I of Form 1095-B is populated with a valid country name or code. It also verifies that the ZIP or foreign postal code is entered correctly and formatted according to the standards of the country specified. The check includes a cross-reference with a database of valid postal codes to confirm accuracy. If the form is intended for a U.S. address, the software ensures that the ZIP code is a valid five or nine-digit number.
Verifies that the letter identifying the Origin of the Health Coverage is entered in Part I using the provided codes (A-G).
This validation check verifies that a letter from A to G, which identifies the Origin of the Health Coverage, is correctly entered in Part I of Form 1095-B. The software checks against the predefined set of codes that correspond to different types of coverage origins. It ensures that the entry is a single capital letter within the specified range and alerts the user if an invalid code is entered or if the field is left blank when it should be filled.
Checks that Part I, item 9 is left blank as instructed.
This validation check ensures that item 9 in Part I of Form 1095-B is left blank, in accordance with the form's instructions. The software scans this field to confirm that no data has been entered. If any content is detected, the system flags this as an error and prompts the user to remove the unnecessary information to comply with the form's requirements.
Ensures that the employer's name is entered in Part II if applicable.
This validation check ensures that the employer's name is entered in Part II of Form 1095-B when applicable. The software confirms that the field is not left blank if the form's conditions require an employer's name to be specified. It also checks for the proper formatting and the presence of any invalid characters or symbols that are not typically found in a legal business name.
Confirms that the Employer Identification Number (EIN) is provided for the employer in Part II.
This validation check confirms that the Employer Identification Number (EIN) is provided for the employer in Part II of Form 1095-B. The software ensures that the EIN is a valid nine-digit number, formatted correctly with a hyphen (e.g., XX-XXXXXXX). It also checks to ensure that the number provided does not contain any letters or special characters and that it is not left blank if the field is required to be filled.
Verifies that the employer's street address, including room or suite number, is correctly entered in Part II.
This validation check ensures that the street address of the employer is accurately captured in Part II of Form 1095-B. It includes verification of the street name, building number, and any additional details such as room or suite number. The check is designed to prevent errors in address information which could lead to miscommunication or misdelivery of important tax documents. The AI cross-references the provided address with official postal service databases to ensure accuracy and completeness.
Checks that the city or town is filled in for Part II.
This check confirms that the city or town associated with the employer's address is properly filled in on Part II of the form. It is crucial that this information is correct to ensure that the form complies with legal requirements and to facilitate accurate processing. The AI compares the entered city or town with a standardized list to validate its existence and spelling. This step is essential for maintaining the integrity of the employer's address information on the form.
Confirms that the state or province is provided in Part II.
The validation process includes confirming that the state or province field in Part II of Form 1095-B is not left blank and is filled in with the correct information. The AI checks against a comprehensive database of states and provinces to ensure that the input matches an existing location. This is important for the proper routing and processing of the form, as well as for adherence to regional tax laws and regulations.
Ensures that the country and ZIP or foreign postal code are correctly entered in Part II.
This validation ensures that the country field and the ZIP or foreign postal code in Part II of Form 1095-B are accurately entered. The AI uses international postal code standards to verify that the ZIP or postal code corresponds to the stated country. This step is vital for international compliance and to prevent any issues with mail delivery or form processing that could arise from incorrect postal information.
Verifies that the name of the issuer or coverage provider is entered in Part III.
This check verifies that the name of the issuer or coverage provider is correctly entered in Part III of Form 1095-B. It is essential that this information is accurate to identify the entity responsible for providing health coverage. The AI reviews the entered information for completeness and matches it against known issuers or coverage providers to ensure that the name is recognized and correctly spelled, which is crucial for the validity of the form.
Confirms that the Employer Identification Number (EIN) is provided for the issuer or coverage provider in Part III.
The validation check ensures that the Employer Identification Number (EIN) field in Part III of Form 1095-B is not left blank. It confirms that the EIN entered is in the correct format, typically a nine-digit number. The check also verifies the validity of the EIN against the IRS database to ensure it corresponds to the issuer or coverage provider listed. If the EIN is missing or incorrect, the form may be considered incomplete or invalid.
Checks that the contact telephone number is entered in Part III.
This validation check verifies that a contact telephone number is provided in Part III of Form 1095-B. It ensures that the telephone number includes the correct number of digits and is in a valid format, including area code. The check also confirms that the number provided is appropriate for the issuer or coverage provider, allowing for necessary contact. An incorrect or missing telephone number may lead to communication issues regarding the health coverage information.
Ensures that the street address, including room or suite number, is correctly entered in Part III.
The validation check ensures that the street address for the issuer or coverage provider in Part III of Form 1095-B is complete and accurate. It confirms that the address includes all necessary components such as street name, number, and any applicable room or suite number. The check also verifies that the address format conforms to USPS standards, which is crucial for any correspondence. An incomplete or incorrect address could result in delivery failures of important documentation.
Verifies that the city or town is filled in for Part III.
This validation check verifies that the city or town field in Part III of Form 1095-B is populated. It ensures that the city or town name provided matches recognized locations and is spelled correctly. The check also confirms that the city or town aligns with the ZIP code and state or province provided. An incorrect or missing city or town could lead to misrouting of the form or challenges in validating the issuer's or coverage provider's location.
Confirms that the state or province is provided in Part III.
The validation check confirms that the state or province field in Part III of Form 1095-B is filled in. It ensures that the state or province code is valid and corresponds to the list of recognized U.S. states, territories, or Canadian provinces, depending on the issuer's or coverage provider's location. The check also verifies that the state or province is consistent with the ZIP or postal code entered. Providing an incorrect state or province could result in incorrect processing of the health coverage information.
Checks that the country and ZIP or foreign postal code are correctly entered in Part III.
The AI ensures that the country field in Part III is populated with a valid country name or abbreviation. It also verifies that the ZIP code for U.S. addresses, or the foreign postal code for international addresses, is entered correctly and matches the standard format for the respective country. The AI cross-references the provided information with a database of valid postal codes to confirm accuracy. If an error is detected, the AI prompts for correction to ensure the address information is complete and valid.
Ensures that the names of all covered individuals are entered in Part IV, including first name, middle initial, and last name.
The AI checks that the names of all individuals covered under the health plan are fully entered in Part IV of Form 1095-B. It ensures that each entry includes a first name, a middle initial (if provided), and a last name. The AI validates that the name fields are not left blank and that they contain appropriate alphabetical characters without any invalid symbols or numbers. It also checks for any unusual character length that might indicate an incomplete or erroneous entry.
Confirms that the SSN or other TIN is provided for each covered individual in Part IV; if not available, verifies that the date of birth is entered.
The AI confirms that a Social Security Number (SSN) or other Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is provided for each individual listed in Part IV. If an SSN or TIN is not available, the AI verifies that the individual's date of birth is entered instead. It checks the format of the SSN or TIN to ensure it adheres to the standard numerical pattern and validates the date of birth against common date formats. The AI alerts if either field is missing or incorrectly formatted, prompting for the necessary information.
Checks that the box indicating coverage for all 12 months is checked if applicable for each covered individual in Part IV.
The AI checks the box in Part IV that indicates whether each covered individual had health coverage for all 12 months of the reporting year. It ensures that if an individual was covered for the entire year, the corresponding box is checked. The AI reviews the entries for consistency and completeness, and if it detects that the box is unchecked despite indications of full-year coverage elsewhere on the form, it prompts for verification or correction.
Verifies that for each month a covered individual was covered, the corresponding box under the months Jan-Dec is checked in Part IV.
The AI verifies that for each month a covered individual had health coverage, the corresponding box for that month (January through December) is checked in Part IV of Form 1095-B. It cross-references the coverage information provided with the checkboxes to ensure accuracy for each month. If a discrepancy is found, such as a month being unchecked despite reported coverage, the AI flags the inconsistency and requests clarification or an update to reflect the correct coverage information.
Ensures that the Continuation Sheet(s) are used if there are more than six covered individuals and that all required information is provided for additional covered individuals.
The validation process ensures that if there are more than six individuals covered under the policy, Continuation Sheet(s) are utilized to include their information. It verifies that each additional covered individual's details are accurately captured on the Continuation Sheet(s), including their name, Social Security Number (SSN) or other Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), and the coverage dates. The system checks for completeness and consistency of data across the main form and any Continuation Sheets. It also alerts the user if any required fields for the additional covered individuals are left blank or are incorrectly filled.
Confirms that a copy of this form is provided to other individuals covered under the policy upon their request.
The validation mechanism confirms that a copy of Form 1095-B is made available to all individuals covered under the policy, should they request it. It ensures compliance with the requirement to provide health coverage information to each covered individual. The system can track requests for copies and confirmations of their provision. Additionally, it may prompt the responsible party to distribute copies to the covered individuals, thereby adhering to the transparency and reporting guidelines set forth by the relevant health coverage laws.
Common Mistakes in Completing Form 1095-B
The omission of the middle name or initial in Part I of Form 1095-B can lead to confusion or mismatches with IRS records. It is crucial to include the full legal name as it appears on social security cards or other official documents. To avoid this mistake, double-check the name against official identification and ensure that all parts of the name are accurately transcribed onto the form.
Not providing a Social Security Number (SSN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in Part I and II is a significant error that can result in processing delays or incorrect reporting of health coverage. Always ensure that the SSN or TIN is entered correctly and corresponds to the individual listed on the form. If you are unsure of the correct number, verify it with the individual or their official documentation before submitting the form.
Entering an incorrect SSN or TIN can lead to incorrect processing of the form and potential tax issues for the individual. To prevent this, carefully input the number and double-check it against official documents. If you are filling out the form electronically, take advantage of any validation features that may be available to confirm the accuracy of the number entered.
When an SSN or TIN is not available, it is mandatory to use the individual's date of birth. Failing to do so can result in incomplete information and may affect the individual's tax situation. Always have a secondary verification process in place for instances where the SSN or TIN is not provided, ensuring that the date of birth is used as an alternative identifier.
Providing an incomplete or incorrect street address, especially forgetting to include an apartment number, can result in the form being sent to the wrong address or returned as undeliverable. To avoid this, verify the full address with the individual and ensure that all components, including the apartment number if applicable, are clearly and accurately listed on the form.
Omitting city, state, or ZIP code information can lead to processing delays and issues with the accuracy of the health coverage information reported. It is crucial to double-check that all address fields are completed fully, including city, state, and ZIP code. Review the form instructions to ensure that the address is provided in the correct format and refer to official documents or correspondence to verify the accuracy of the address details.
Entering the wrong Origin of Health Coverage code can result in incorrect reporting of the type of health coverage, which may affect an individual's compliance with health coverage requirements. It is important to understand the different codes and their meanings as outlined in the form instructions. Carefully select the appropriate code that accurately reflects the origin of the health coverage. If uncertain, consult with the insurance provider or employer for clarification before submitting the form.
Failing to complete Part II of Form 1095-B when employer-sponsored coverage is applicable can lead to incomplete reporting of coverage information. This section is critical for indicating the months during which individuals were covered under an employer-sponsored plan. Ensure that all relevant months of coverage are indicated, and double-check that the information aligns with employment records and insurance statements. If assistance is needed, reach out to the employer or the insurance provider for accurate coverage details.
Inputting an incorrect Employer Identification Number (EIN) can cause significant issues with the identification of the employer or issuer and may lead to incorrect reporting. Always verify the EIN against official documents, such as a W-2 form or the employer's or issuer's tax documents, before entering it on the form. Take extra care to transcribe the numbers accurately and confirm that no transposition errors have occurred.
Neglecting to provide the complete address of the employer or issuer, including the room or suite number, can hinder the ability of the IRS to correspond with the issuer or employer if needed. Ensure that the full address is included on the form, as partial addresses may not be sufficient for postal delivery or IRS records. Cross-reference the address with official documentation or the employer's or issuer's website to confirm its completeness and accuracy.
The contact telephone number in Part III is a critical piece of information that allows for communication regarding the form. Omitting this can lead to delays or inability to clarify information if needed. To avoid this mistake, double-check that the telephone number is entered and accurate before submitting the form. It's advisable to provide a number where you are readily available to ensure any issues can be resolved promptly.
Failing to check the box for 12-month coverage in Part IV can result in incorrect reporting of health coverage status. This box indicates continuous coverage throughout the year and should be marked if applicable. To prevent this error, review your coverage dates carefully and mark the box if you were covered for all 12 months. This helps to accurately reflect your coverage status and avoid potential confusion or discrepancies.
Each month of coverage must be indicated on Form 1095-B to accurately report the period of health coverage. Neglecting to check the appropriate boxes for each month can lead to incomplete or incorrect information being reported. To avoid this, verify your health coverage records and ensure that each month you were covered is marked accordingly on the form. This meticulous approach will contribute to the accuracy of your health coverage reporting.
Form 1095-B provides space for up to six covered individuals, and a Continuation Sheet must be used for any additional individuals. Not using the Continuation Sheet(s) when reporting more than six individuals can result in incomplete information. To prevent this oversight, count the number of individuals you need to report and use as many Continuation Sheets as necessary to include everyone. Ensure that all sheets are properly attached and submitted with the main form.
It is mandatory to provide a copy of Form 1095-B to other covered individuals if they request it. Failure to do so can lead to issues for those individuals in demonstrating their health coverage. To comply with this requirement, make copies of the completed form available and provide them promptly upon request. Keeping a few extra copies on hand can help facilitate this process and ensure that you are adhering to the regulations.
Taxpayers should not attach Form 1095-B to their tax return when filing. This form is for informational purposes and should be kept with the taxpayer's records. Attaching it to the tax return can lead to processing delays and potential confusion. To avoid this mistake, carefully read the form instructions which indicate that the form should not be submitted with the tax return and ensure that all tax-related documents are organized and stored securely for future reference.
It is crucial to use the correct year's version of Form 1095-B when reporting health coverage information. Using a form from a different year can result in incorrect information being reported to the IRS, as the form's requirements and fields may change from year to year. To prevent this error, always verify the tax year on the form before filling it out and double-check that you have the correct version by comparing it with the latest forms available on the IRS website.
Failing to consult the IRS website for detailed instructions on completing Form 1095-B can lead to errors in filling out the form. The IRS provides comprehensive guidelines that can help taxpayers understand the requirements and provide accurate information. To avoid mistakes, it is recommended to review the instructions on the IRS website before starting the form and to refer back to them as needed throughout the process.
Some fields on Form 1095-B are marked as 'Reserved' and should not be filled in by the taxpayer. Filling in these reserved fields can cause confusion and processing errors. To prevent this, taxpayers should carefully read the form instructions and take note of any fields that are specifically marked as reserved. It is important to leave these fields blank and only provide information in the sections that are required.
Form 1095-B contains multiple parts that require different types of information. Mixing up the information between Part II and Part III can lead to incorrect reporting of coverage details. Taxpayers should carefully review the purpose of each part and ensure that the information provided corresponds to the correct section. It is helpful to gather all necessary information beforehand and to double-check entries before submitting the form to avoid this type of error.
Submitting Form 1095-B without verifying personal information can lead to discrepancies and potential issues with health coverage reporting. It is crucial to double-check all entries, including Social Security numbers, birth dates, and names, for accuracy. Incorrect information may result in processing delays or incorrect tax credit calculations. To avoid this, individuals should carefully review their personal details and cross-reference them with official documents before submitting the form.
Neglecting to update Form 1095-B with any changes in health coverage or personal information can lead to inaccurate reporting of health insurance status. It is important to amend the form if there have been any life events such as marriage, divorce, or a change in insurance providers. Timely updates ensure that the information remains current and reflects the individual's actual coverage status. To prevent this mistake, individuals should promptly revise their Form 1095-B whenever there are changes to their personal information or health coverage.
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